Guy graduated from the University of Calgary with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, specializing in sculpture and installation, before completing his Master of Architecture at the University of British Columbia. Since then, he has worked at Canadian studios, including Toronto’s Baird Sampson Neuert Architects and Vancouver’s Leckie Studio Architecture + Design, before starting his practice in 2020. His project experience includes work of dramatically different scales: sports complexes, university buildings, custom and multi-family homes, installations and product design.

In addition to his architecture practice, Guy teaches fabrication as an adjunct professor at the University of British Columbia’s School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture.

His focus is always on making and craftsmanship. Understanding how things are made and put together is at the core of any design problem. Guy believes that it is the complexity of architecture and the systems involved that provide the opportunity for elegant design solutions that can respond to clients’ goals and ambitions.

Guy is a registered architect with the Architectural Institute of British Columbia and the Ontario Association of Architects.

Squamish Architect and Designer Guy McLintock